
Full Stack Meetup Clone with React Native, Expo and Supabase

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In this video, we'll guide you step-by-step through building a Meetup clone app using React Native, Expo, and Supabase. If you're looking to create a full-stack mobile app for local events, this tutorial covers everything from authentication to real-time data updates. If you're ready, let's get started 🚀

2️⃣ Watch the second part here: youtube.com/live/R2L5x8i3FJI

📝 Project Page: www.notjust.dev/projects/meetup
📝 Step-by-step Guide: assets.notjust.dev/meetup
💻 Source Code: github.com/notJust-dev/Meetup

⚛️ React Native Mastery is the ONLY course you need to Master mobile development with React Native & Expo 🚀
Join the waitlist now: www.notjust.dev/react-native-mastery

📚 This video includes a lot of tools and technologies, providing an excellent opportunity to learn about:
React Native for mobile app development
Expo for a streamlined development process
Expo Router for efficient navigation
Supabase for backend services, including authentication and real-time data

💡 Have an idea for a future tutorial? Share it on our Idea Board: github.com/orgs/notJust-dev/discussions

💬 Join the notJust Development gang and let's build together:
Twitter: twitter.com/VadimNotJustDev
Instagram: www.instagram.com/VadimNotJustDev
Facebook: www.facebook.com/notjustdev
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/vadimsavin
Discord: discord.gg/VpURUN2

0:00 Intro and Project Overview
2:46 Getting Started with the Project
4:45 Creating a New Project with Create Expo Stack
10:32 Explaining the Project Layout
13:20 Cleaning up and Importing Dummy Data
User Interface
18:14 Event List Item, Styles with Nativewind, Custom Component, Props
57:34 Adding the Flatlist
1:02:20 Parsing and Displaying Dates using Dayjs
1:11:04 Building the Event Details Page
1:24:19 Styling and Adding Content to the Event Details Page
1:32:24 Building the RSVP Footer
1:47:06 Building the Authentication Screen
2:20:06 Adding the Authentication Flow
2:46:32 Updating the Profile Data
3:02:10 Adding the Events Table and Fetching the Data
3:29:56 Adding the Attendance RSVP Feature
3:46:17 Displaying the Event Attendance

Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #supabase #reactnative
