[VOD]- Nairo - I wasn't trying the other days...BUT TODAY! IS DIFFERENT WE ONLY WIN [SSBU] (Feb 4th)
Thumbnail by BadkidsFuego
Submit a thumbnail for the stream! nairothumbnails@gmail.com (include your gamertag so I can credit you)
►Past streams: • Past Streams
►Minimum Super Chat amount to appear on stream as a notification is $5 (If I miss any notifications, please know I apologize and do appreciate it!)
►For clips related to the streams, follow the the 2nd Youtube channel at / @nairomkclips and the TikTok at www.tiktok.com/@nairoclips
►Follow the Twitter account for stream updates & turn notifications on: twitter.com/NairoMKStream
►Chat Rules: Please keep chat discussion relevant only to the stream and if you have something bad to say about anyone, please keep it out of chat. Lets just have a good time. Thank you
Recommended Extensions:
►Check out the BetterNaifuYoutubeGaming extension for chat emotes (thanks to Rist / Chibivargas & ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ / esilleno ) chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-naifu-you…
►Firefox version: bit.ly/betternaifu
►Theater Mode like Twitch: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-livestre…
►Firefox version of Theater Mode: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtubelive…