Journey Through Alaska’s Interior: Our First Dairy Goat for Raw Milk! | Off-Grid Homestead Rebuild
This week we picked up the first of our large livestock animals, a dairy goat!
This will be the start of a small herd, providing milk and cheese for our homestead. We traveled across the mountainous interior to a small Alaskan farming community, Delta Junction, to pick her up. The next morning we got to enjoy a coffee with fresh raw milk, to top off our delicious cabin breakfast.
We plan on rotating our dairy goats around the homestead, to help clear land while supplies us with raw dairy products.
Thank you for following our journey on the last frontier!
-Dennis, Amy & Lena
filmed at our cabin on the fringes of the wilderness
1/2 C discard
1 egg
1/4 C maple or honey
1.5 C water
2.5 C flour
2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp cinnamon
blueberries (about 1C)
1. Mix discard, egg, sweetener, water. Add flour, salt, powder, cinnmon, blueberries.
2. Heat griddle to medium with tallow, fry 1-3 min on each side or until golden.