Which Princess Zelda Is The Strongest? (Legend of Zelda Power Ranking)
Which version of Princess Zelda is the most powerful? From Zelda 1 to Tears of the Kingdom, let's analyse every incarnation of Hyrule's Princess' strengths and weaknesses.
Check out my playthrough of Ocarina of Time: • The Great Deku Tree - Zelda: Ocarina ...
►Follow me on Twitter! www.twitter.com/Zeltik
or Instagram: @zeltikinsta
► Music in this video:
Zeldawiki: zelda.fandom.com/
Gameplay footage used:
ZeldaMaster (youtube.com/c/ZeldaMasterLuke)
ZorZelda (OoT3D) (youtube.com/c/ZorZelda)
Archive64 (OoT3D, PH, ST) (youtube.com/c/Archive64)
► Discord Link: discord.gg/zeltik
► Intro music by: bit.ly/RuvenWegner
► Outro music by Clangon: • Zeltik Outro Theme (Wind Waker: Legen...
0:00 Intro
4:45 Adventure of Link
6:02 Four Swords
7:36 Oracle Games
9:56 The Legend of Zelda
11:07 A Link to the Past
13:10 Four Swords Adventures
14:46 A Link Between Worlds
17:02 The Minish Cap
19:37 The Wind Waker / Phantom Hourglass
23:16 Twilight Princess
27:13 Skyward Sword
31:47 Ocarina of Time
37:46 Spirit Tracks
41:29 Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom
52:38 Outro
#Zelda #Nintendo #LegendofZelda