An Analysis of Life Is Strange
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To match its two main characters, Life is Strange has two split opinions. 5 years later, people love this game, and they hate it too. In this critique, we're going to find out why.
Editor And Thumbnail Artist: David Blom
Twitter: twitter.com/leavedavidalone
Source for one of the time travel points:
• Life is Strange Review: Life is prett...
If everything else rewinds while Max stays put, that should apply to air. There are two possibilities. Either the air phases into Max, which would kill her by saturating her blood with air, or Max instantly displaces the air that she teleports into, which could have a number of catastrophic effects depending on whether or not the air is moved out of the way, or teleported out of the way. Moved would have to happen infinitely faster than the speed of light, who knows what would happen then. I remember hearing that going faster than light sends you backwards in time, so infinite speed would send you back to when time began. The big bang, in other words. The air you displaced would thusly become the first atoms in the history of the universe, the butterfly effect of which would change every minute detail of the universe as we know it, deleting Max, Earth, everything and causing a grandfather paradox. I smell a fanfiction!!!
If scientists are wrong about faster than light travel sending you back in time (or I'm dumb, which is vastly more likely), then infinite speed equals infinite energy which could potentially destroy the entire universe in a blaze of not-glory. I don’t know if particles would default down back to light speed, or if they’d all become kugelblitz blackholes creating a 100% efficient mass to energy conversion, but any way you have it, Max dies. If air is teleported rather than moved, particles might not have gained kinetic energy, but if two phase into each other, that’s not something observed anywhere else in nature. The effects are incalculable, you could create a vaccum decay that would destroy the observable universe, or a strangelet that would convert earth into to a new type of matter. Who knows man. I wish I did because overthinking this is really fun.
It’s also completely possible that Max could phase into someone else, instantly killing both of them if she was lucky, or she could phase two objects together just by putting her phone down, picking up a brush, then rewinding, which would have the phone warp into her hand, the hand that is currently also holding the brush.
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Songs in order of appearance:
Hush You - Velvet Moon
Vargtimmen - Da Sein
Unbroken - Sunfish Grove
Look Where That Got You - Mattie Maguire
Diaphanous Dreamcoats - Silver Maple
Miss Emeli - General Vibe
Good Days - Cody Francis
Lucky Man - Red Revision
Her Own Device - Gavin Luke
Fire, Then Nothing - Da Sein
Closer Than Two Of A Kind - Jaydan Talley
Sleep Movies - First Wave
Blessed Original Instrumental - Wayne John Bradley soundcloud.com/ayneohnradley/blessed
Dance Dance - Psuche
Dark Clouds Warm Day - At The End of Ties, Nothing
Dance Dance (Instrumental Version) - Psuche
Divine - Amaranth Cove
As always, thanks to ChimerainaSuit for over half of the thumbnails on the channel.
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