
Ciri's Story (The Witcher 3)

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Ciri's Story (The Witcher 3)

#ciri #story #witcher3

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A lot of you wanted this specific edit of the game. As a whole, the Witcher 3 game movie is pretty unwieldly (20+ hours). Ciri's story focuses on her journey, and Geralt's adventure to try and find her. In essence, this is the MAIN story of the game. This cuts off all the fat and gets to the "important" parts. While I still recommend the entire Witcher 3 story, this is an easier way to watch it for those of you are interested.

As always we used important dialogue, relevant gameplay and cutscenes to create one fluid cinematic experience. We hope you enjoy!

Gameplay by Spanky
Edited by Knowledge

The Gaming Library: youtube.com/c/glptvee
