
I Completed ALL of Astroneer in 100 Days! Here's How It Went:

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I took on a difficult challenge: I have to complete ALL of Astroneer in 100 Days or less!
This means I need to unlock ALL items, complete ALL missions and FINISH THE GAME in less than 100 days!
Can I do it?🤔 Well, yes, of course! That's why you're watching this video!

👀Join my discord server: discord.gg/X4HGk6EycY
(this is where we all chat and play together)

Here are a couple videos I mentioned in this one:
1.    • 5 Tips in 5 Minutes for Your First As...  
2.    • 5 Hacks to Make Your Base Better | As...  
3.    • 5 MORE Base Hacks to Make Your Base B...  
4.    • You're Doing It Wrong! Get Infinite B...  
5.    • THE BEST Byte Farms in Astroneer! | I...  
6.    • The BEST Scrap Farm FOR YOU! | Astron...  
7.    • Is This THE BEST Scrap Farm in ALL of...  
8.    • Here's How to Automate Your Trade Pla...  

And some playlists you should check out:
1.    • Astroneer Walkthrough Gameplay | Atro...  
2.    • Astroneer Tutorials  
3.    • Astroneer Automation  

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   / @gamesforlife36  

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You can check me out on:

●Twitter(@gamesforlife36): twitter.com/gamesforlife36?t=4d52xjNLfYasyTiDUqmYv…

●Instagram(@gamesforlife36): instagram.com/gamesforlife36?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

#astroneer #gaming #100daysinastroneer #astroneerplaythrough #astroneerwalkthrough #astroneergameplay #astroneerstory #astroneermissions
