THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2024, IS ASCENSION DAY ... the day on which CHRIST'S CHURH celebrates and commemorates that glorious day some 2000 years ago 'WHEN HE (ie. Jesus) LED THEM (ie. His disciples) OUT TO THE VICINITY OF BETHANY, HE LIFTED UP HIS HANDS AND BLESSED THEM. WHILE HE WAS BLESSING THEM, HE LEFT THEM AND WAS TAKEN UP INTO HEAVEN. THEN THEY WORSHIPED HIM AND RETURNED TO JERUSALEM WITH GREAT JOY. AND THEY STAYED CONTINUALLY AT THE TEMPLE, PRAISING GOD." (Luke 24:50-53). Consequently, YOU are cordially invited to COME and WORSHIP with your Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ as tomorrow, Sunday, May 5,2024, our Pastor, Rev. Rich Kuiken, will be preaching a very personal, practical, and comforting message entitled, "BLESSINGS FROM ABOVE" based upon the text of Luke 24:50-53 and Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 18
For more information, please visit our website at www.poconoreformedbiblechurch.com