Hazrat Usman Ghani Ki Sakhawat K Waqiat || Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri
Welcome to SunnahStars! 🌟 Join Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai and Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri on a transformative journey guided by Islamic wisdom🌙
*🌟 Video Description:*
Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A.) was a true embodiment of *generosity* 🤲 and selflessness. His unmatched *sakhawat* (charity) 💖 is an inspiration for all Muslims. In this video, 🎙️ Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri beautifully narrates the incidents of Hazrat Usman’s generosity, proving why he was titled *Ghani* 🏆. From funding the Islamic army 🏇 to purchasing a well for the Muslims 💦, his acts of kindness continue to be a *beacon of light* ✨.
📖 *Allah says in the Quran:*
"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain that sprouts seven ears; in each ear is a hundred grains." (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:261)
🕋 *Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:*
"The most generous among my Ummah is Usman." (Tirmidhi)
May we learn from his noble character and strive to give for the sake of Allah 🤍.
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⏳ *YouTube Chapters:*
00:00 - Introduction 📢
05:30 - Hazrat Usman’s Early Life 🏡
12:15 - His Unmatched Generosity 💰
20:45 - Funding the Islamic Army 🏇
30:10 - The Famous Well of Hazrat Usman 💦
38:00 - Lessons from His Life ✨
*🔹 Hashtags:*
#UsmanGhaniKiSakhawat 💰 #hazratusmanghani #hazratusman #IslamiTareekh 📜 #MuhammadAjmalRazaQadri 🎙️ #Sadaqa 🤲 #SunnahStars ⭐ #IslamicBayan 📖
*🔍 Keywords:*
Hazrat Usman Ghani generosity, Islam and charity, Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri bayan, Sadaqah in Islam, Islamic history
*💌 Dear Subscribers,*
✨ JazakAllah for your *love* ❤️ and *support* 🤝! May Allah bless you with *endless rewards* 🌸. Keep supporting us on this journey of spreading the message of *Islam* 🕋.
*🇵🇸 A Special Reminder:*
💔 Palestinian children are suffering under oppression 😢. Let’s raise our voices 🗣️ against *injustice* and remember them in our *prayers* 🤲. May Allah grant them ease. *Ameen!*
#AjmalRazaQadri #AjmalRazaQadriBayan #PeerAjmalRazaQadri #AjmalRazaQadriEmotionalBayan #PirAjmalRazaQadri 🕊️ #MuhammadAjmalRazaQadri #saqibrazamustafai #saqibrazamustafaibayan #saqibrazamustafaiemotionalbayan