
The Secret Camp that Predicted the FUTURE! 😱

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In the early 1950's, an experiment was run on a remote boys summer camp. Experimenters secretly ran social experiments on two groups of 11 year old boys, in order to better understand human behavior and social patterns. The boys were placed in manufactured situations, without their knowledge, allowing researchers to see human behavior under different conditions...

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The experiment is this video is known as the robbers cave experiment, and has come under fire in recent history for its unethical methods. The summer camp boys, and their parents, had no idea that this experiment was even being conducted in 1954. They thought they'd signed up for a regular summer camp. The methods were undoubtedly vicious at times, but this research has led modern social scientists to better understand realistic conflict theory between social groups.

While the two groups of boys in this experiment were just kids, this data tells us a lot about human behavior and today's politics. This experiment really helped to explain tribalism, political loyalty, and why America's system works the way that it works.

This experiment can serve to explain a lot of today's left vs. right, political division. The boys in this experiment were increasingly tribal in nature, as they were divided and pitted against each other. In the United States today, we see a lot of the same between Republicans and democrats.

Look at our past few Presidents in the United States: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Barak Obama. None of these presidents have been particularly capable synergistic leaders. The us vs. them mentality that this experiment explores, has largely been exploited by our politicians to gain more money and power. Politicians profit off of political wars and divisions. The common people don't, though.

What's incredible about this book however, is that it does identify a solution to our divided country...

America might be headed for the end if we don't head this lesson...

"Common goals that require cooperation."

This is the solution to America's coming collapse. This is the solution to all of the hate that we've seen growing in our country.

Unifying America can be done with a common goal, that requires the cooperation of liberals and conservatives together.

If we don't find an American politician who wants what's best for America and the working class, then we'll have to find this common purpose on our own, at a grassroots level.

I propose that we work to restore America's faith in the Lord, and work towards rebuilding our broken culture.

I love you guys, and genuinely - thank you for watching 🙏
