
Think Of Me ❄️ a film featuring Clarissa May

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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year! Follow your dreams and never give up! 😘 I hope you all enjoy this Holiday feature film... be sure to watch it in HD full screen and turn up the volume! ♡ Visit my main channel:    / clarissamay09  
Visit my vlog channel:    / lifewithclarissamay  

For pictures from this video/photoshoot, follow me on Instagram: @clarissamay_ (instagram.com/user/clarissamay)

Read my blog: http://liveonpointe.blogspot.com

Find me on Social Media:
Instagram:   / clarissamay  
Facebook:   / liveonpointe  
Twitter:   / clarissamay09  
Tumblr:   / clarissamay09  

I have been dancing 2 years, after surviving Anorexia and a severe concussion. Read my whole story here: http://clarissamayofficial.com
