
Real Manhood Is Taking Responsibility (Sermons for Today)

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Men, are you stepping up or just coasting? The church is in decline—attendance is down, conversions are down, and spiritual complacency is up. Too many Christian men live ethical but powerless lives, indistinguishable from their non-Christian neighbors. But Jesus, our ultimate example, never took the easy road. When the call was costly, He prayed, sought strength, and obeyed. This message is a wake-up call for men to embrace true biblical masculinity: a life of obedience, sacrifice, and leadership. We need men who read Scripture for themselves, disciple the next generation, lead their families in faith, and boldly witness to the lost. The church doesn’t need more spectators—it needs men of God willing to take responsibility. Will you be one of them?

This sermon was preached on Sept 17, 2023.

00:00 - Intro
00:55 - Definition of biblical masculinity
02:08 - Why can't Christian women take on biblical masculine roles?
03:54 - The hardships in history contributed to gender role differences
05:57 - Despite modernism, the call of manhood has not disappeared
07:23 - The dynamic of biblical manhood epitomized in Jesus
08:24 - Why should Christian women listen to a sermon on biblical manhood?
08:46 - Where do our negative views on/resistance against masculinity come from?
10:08 - What does biblical manhood have to do with the Great Commission?
12:03 - The Urgency of the Great Commission require men to step up to evangelize and make disciples
12:35 - Heart-break when Christians don't evangelize
13:24 - Why can't pastors evangelize your relatives/family members
14:13 - Biblical Leadership is not the world's definition not does it preclude introverted and shy men
15:37 - Two primary sin tendencies of men today
16:37 - Society condemns abusive men but neglect to indict passive men
17:50 - Commend what was good and what was lacking in older men today
18:18 - Personal story from a Chinese-Canadian and his relationship with his father
19:59 - The cost of emotional absenteeism of fathers
21:16 - Is the father present (emotionally, relationally, spiritually) in the home? (QUESTIONS FOR SELF-REFLECTION)
22:57 - What is the husband's/father's role when children have conflicts with the mother?
24:00 - Many problems in the home can be traced back to the father's passivity
25:30 - Common reasons why men don't take personal responsibility for the Great Commission
26:14 - A testimony of a godly man NOT using excuses from taking responsibility for the Great Commission
27:03 - Christian men aren't faithful and don't make disciples because of mis-priority
28:17 - A testimony of a godly man redeeming his profession for the Great Commission
29:32 - Very few Christian men orient their lives around the Great Commission
31:38 - The Great Commission IS God's calling on ALL Christian men
31:57 - Where the Great Commission is being neglected, that's where the Call of God to Christian Men is Most Urgent
32:19 - One reason why professing Christian men don't prioritize the Great Commission may be because their faith is fake
34:23 - A prayer of repentance of Christian men who have neglected the Great Commission
35:16 - Fear hinder Christian men from sharing their faith
36:25 - If one's household is not in order, some Christian men are not able to fulfill the Great Commission
37:47 - A call to young men to take responsibility and practice maturity now
39:36 - Why boys/young men need to take school seriously
40:08 - A message to parents with young boys: let them do some chores
40:36 - Why Bible reading and Prayer discipline is essential to develop BEFORE marriage
42:35 - The Call for Christian Men to Prioritize Scripture
44:01 - The Call for All Christian Men in the Church in the West to go back to the Bible
44:50 - Christian men should only marry a Christian woman (do not choose to marry a non-Christian)
45:52 - Men must fight for date-nights with their wives even after children
46:28 - What to ask your wife during intentional time?
47:09 - "How is your wife's devotional life going?"
47:57 - Only AFTER you disciple your wife and children, THEN you can disciple younger men in the church (always prioritize YOUR FAMILY more than church ministry)
50:17 - What can Christian women do to help Christian men step up?
51:44 - Verbal encouragement from wives spur on their husbands to sacrifice and lead MORE
52:49 - Christian women - 4 things to look for in finding a man of God as a potential partner
54:21 - The crisis today among Christians and the call for Christian men today
