468 Tritype® Mini: The Truth Teller • Intuitive, Inquisitive, Protective Person | Katherine Fauvre
Tritype® 468, 486, 648, 684, 846, 864-The Truth Teller
If you are a 468, you are intuitive, inquisitive, and protective. You want to be original, certain, and straightforward. You are highly sensitive and emotional. You track inconsistencies and are like the ‘canary in the coal mine,’ calling off hidden agendas, deception, and ulterior motives. You are very intense and can, at times, be overly emotional and reactive. You may have strong feelings but you are also fiercely loving and supportive.
Find your Type, Tritype® and Instinctual Type here: enneagramtritypetest.com/ • More on Katherine's Tritype®, Instinctual Types, and Subtypes here: www.katherinefauvre.com/
Tritype, What are Tritypes®? What is Tritype®? How do I find my Tritype®? How do you identify your Tritype®? How does one find their Tritype®?
Tritype®, a 27-point personality system coined and created by Katherine Chernick Fauvre, is based on the theory that an individual uses three Enneagram Types, not just one. These three types occur as one in each of the three centers of intelligence: head (5,6,7), heart (2,3,4), and gut (8,9,1) and are used in a preferred, continuously oscillating, descending stacking order, which create a "new" type unto itself with its own worldview, coping mechanisms, and defense strategies.
Extensive research with tens of thousands of international participants has confirmed that each Tritype® Archetype is made up of the character traits of the three types within the Tritype®. These traits, within the Tritype®, combine to create 27 unique Tritypes®, each with its own set of core values, needs, fears, and concerns that include: a specific focus of attention, idealized image, core triggers, core fears, desires, blindspots, sense of purpose, and growing edge, adding significant precision, accuracy, and scope to the Enneagram Typing process.
One of the three types in an individual's Tritype® is the "core" or dominant type and represents the ego's preferred defense strategy and is in charge of the 3Type defense system. The ego always uses the strategies of all three types in unison in a rapid, repeating, hierarchical order throughout the day. The dominant type will continuously deploy the other two types in the Tritype® to make decisions and solve problems.
It is important to note that just combining the three preferred types, one from each of the three centers, is not enough to explain the attentional patterns of each of the 27 Tritype® Archetypes or to confirm which Tritype® is dominant. We can theorize about which type we identify with most in each triad, but the focus of attention of the Tritype® emerges as a result of what happens when these three types merge and, in effect, become one type, which is the Tritype®.
This is because the characteristics of all three types influence one another. As a result, some characteristics are amplified, while other characteristics are minimized by the characteristics of the two other types within the Tritype®. These distinct differences explain why each Tritype® is unique.
For example, the 478 Tritype® has the three "creative" Enneagram Types, one from each triad (4,7,8), which include the two types that prefer what is unusual (4,7), the two types that share the line of intensity (4-8), and the two types that are assertive (7,8) thus creating a type that is innovative, creative, outspoken, intense, assertive, and deep with an original sense of style.
The defense strategies of the types within the Tritype® combine, creating a unique focus of attention with a shared worldview. Research also suggests that the common theme found among the three types within an individual's Tritype® identifies that individual's archetypal life purpose and a critical blind spot to self-awareness. In addition, the shared view by the types in an individual's Tritype® gives important clues as to what is needed to live a more conscious and meaningful life.
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