
Native Deodorant Wear Test & Honest Review

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I've been curious about the Native natural deodorant for a while and finally decided to test it out and make a video review. I got a three-pack with charcoal, coconut & vanilla and cucumber & mint and tested out the coconut & vanilla and cucumber & mint over 5 days (I gave the charcoal to my husband).

I've been trying to find a good natural deodorant since 2018 and haven't been able to find one that I really want to stick with. The ones that have been working never smelled particularly good to me and the rest were just not effective. I was impressed with Native both in terms of the scent and how it performed - that week was extremely hot in Massachusetts and I felt like I was sweating a ton, but still felt pretty fresh at the end of the day with just one application in the AM.

Check out Native: https://amzn.to/3m3A0BK

Thank you to everyone using my links to purchase products 💛 This directly supports the channel by allowing me to buy more products to review for you guys, as well as invest in new equipment!

Intro & disclaimer 00:00
Coconut & Vanilla 02:09
Cucumber & Mint 04:15
Overall thoughts 05:18

Joakim Karud:
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