
One Month Old Baby's Birthday: Make Chicken Stew & Grilled Meat Enjoy Together

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One Month Old Baby's Birthday: Make Chicken Stew & Grilled Meat Enjoy Together

"Hello everyone! Today is a very special day for our family, because our little princess Bella, Ly Thi Ca's beloved daughter, has turned one month old. The past month has been a journey filled with joy, love, and unforgettable sweet moments.

On the occasion of Bella's full month, I would like to send you these meaningful wishes:

Dear Bella, you are the most precious gift that your parents have received. I hope you grow up under the protection of your family, always healthy, peaceful, and full of happiness. Bring this lovely smile to warm everyone's hearts, my child!

Thank you to all the viewers who have always accompanied and loved our family. Please join me in sending the best wishes to Bella on this special day! All of your wishes are wonderful gifts for our little daughter.

Happy full month Bella!"

#lythica #baby #birthday
