
Too Many Coffee Creamers: A Taste Test

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Just a little fun exploring the unknown (to me, anyway) world of coffee creamers. When did it get so weird?! No links to products on this one, but many thanks to a couple of kind Patron supporters who helped overcome the challenges of getting some of these out of the US into the UK!

0:00 Intro
2:25 Original/unflavoured
2:58 Vanillas
4:12 Hazelnut
5:09 The National Crèmes
6:15 A World Of Flavours!
8:56 Branded Flavours
13:35 Outro/Wrap Up

Patreon: www.patreon.com/jameshoffmann
Limited Edition Merch: geni.us/TensHundredsThousands

My Books:
How to Make The Best Coffee At Home: geni.us/howtomakethebestcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee: geni.us/atlasofcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee Audiobook: bit.ly/worldatlasofcoffeeaudio
The Best of Jimseven: geni.us/bestofjimseven

Find me here:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jimseven
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jimseven

Things I use and like:
My video kit*: kit.co/jimseven/video-making-gear
My current studio coffee kit*: kit.co/jimseven/studio-coffee-kit
The kitchen set shelving is by Studio Hausen*: bit.ly/studiohausen (they gave me a 10% discount code to share with you which is RGNNV1D)
My glasses: bit.ly/boldlondon
My hair product of choice: geni.us/forthehair
*Affiliate links
