
Minecraft but I survive in SIZE CIVILIZATION [FULL MOVIE]

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Can I escape Size Civilization??? In Size Civilization, your life is determined by your size...

Minecraft but I survive in SIZE CIVILIZATION [FULL MOVIE] hope you enjoy! Please subscribe, like and comment, it would really mean a lot!

Twitter: ElectyYT
Second Channel: @Electi.
Instagram: Electyy

people who helped make this video:

ACTORS: @PoisonousSkely LivingEarth CreeperTV_1 NickofPlayzYT CheezpigPlayz_YT iamstonebone ninioteam PanthersRageYT ImAdamChall_ The_BusinessPig Ethachu06 SuperOtter99 Homieguy Ospree14 speeedycuber FlipPlayz HeroAAC ReddishAcorn VQuip FFilipe yacinehamza111 iDucke ChrisYTGaming SkeletonGuyPlays Propgaming SkeppyXmas TheMilitaryPig Z_Dart Pinkspoof CrimsonPlanetVic Hype_Less mgzus

VOICE ACTORS: ‪@katsexistance‬ ‪@HuJoe‬ ‪@JayceMinecraft‬


LEMMiNO Music - Biosignature, Blackout, Aloft, Cosmic Solitude, Triangular, Encounters, NOCTURNAL, Firecracker CC BY-SA 4.0

Context Sensitive - World's Edge, Violent Shapes and Nightmares, Onward Upward, The Echoes of Existence, This Frozen Darkness

Toblelol - Forest Island
Anii_ - Cherry Tree pack
Long Live the Legion - Batcave

Want a high quality affordable minecraft server? go to www.bisecthosting.com/Electy and use promo code: Electy for 25% off your first month with any of their gaming related services! I used bisect for this video and the 4GB server I used was easily capable to run a modpack with 200 mods! I would recommend you get a 4GB server if you want to play with friends, and a higher ram server if you intend on making a public server.

Minecraft but I survive in SIZE CIVILIZATION [FULL MOVIE] - the full series of Minecraft but I join size civilization... hope you enjoy this minecraft size civilization full movie!
