
Parkflyers International Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 G2 Super Maneuverability Compilation

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Parkflyers International Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 G2

RC Lead Designer: Bimo Adi Prakoso
RC Co-Designers: Ian Bott, Jeff Reimer

Music: e-soundtrax (   • Video  )


The Sukhoi PAK FA (Russian: Сухой ПАК ФА, Russian: Перспективный авиационный комплекс фронтовой авиации, Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii, literally "Prospective Airborne Complex of Frontline Aviation") is a fifth-generation fighter programme of the Russian Air Force. The T-50 is the name of the prototype aircraft (though it is unlikely it will be the name for the production aircraft) designed by Sukhoi for the PAK FA programme. The aircraft is a stealthy, single-seat, twin-engine jet fighter, and will be the first operational aircraft in Russian service to use stealth technology. It is a multirole fighter designed for air superiority and attack roles. The fighter is planned to have supercruise, stealth, supermaneuverability, and advanced avionics to overcome the prior generation of fighter aircraft as well as ground and maritime defences.

This is a following video after the maiden flight of Parkflyers International Sukhoi PAK FA T-50. A compilation of some impressive maneuvers, performed to mimic the real T-50 Super Maneuverability.

Further, I personally dedicate this PAK FA T-50 to my beloved Dad, Mom, daughters and wife, who have been by my side along the years. Love you all til the end of time. Missed you, Dad. A lot.

And endless thanks to my colleagues Ian Bott and Jeff Reimer.

This Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 PDF plan is available here: www.parkflyersinternational.com/
