Live a fulfilling Life with Goddess Varahi's Blessings
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Varahi is the Goddess for this current year and also 2020 and from then on too. Every Archetype has a time frame during which that Archetype becomes very powerful, kind of a ruler and it is Varahi’s time. So what does this Goddess Varahi do? She is one who gives you all that the earth plane has to offer. She has the face of a pig and the pig is associated with the earth. The earth and this pig and Varahi are synonymous and the design for the earth plane is you come here even from heaven in order to enjoy life. So it’s even more pleasurable to be here on this earth plane rather than in heaven. That’s why people from heaven, they also come here to this earth plane. So it’s not a bad place. So it’s a place for enjoyment. That’s why we have this body of five senses. Then why everybody is not able to enjoy in the life? Because of lack of resources and the lack of resources is due to your bad karma and the bad karma has to be removed so that you can have the pleasures of this earth plane.
According to the scriptures, the first experience that people have once they leave the body is that they really miss this earth plane. They want to come back and it takes a long time to come back. So while you are here then make a good time here and who is going to help you with that? That is Varahi.
Varahi is the Goddess. She just came to me and then wanted me to get this knowledge and to the world. So Varahi is the Goddess who is going to help. So whatever I am saying is similar to what Jesus said. Jesus said that, “I am not able to do much. At-least the Holy Ghost which is going to come to you on the Pentecostal Day is going to do that.”
So Varahi is the Holy Ghost for the contemporary period and also from now on. Even to look at her image, the unconscious will relate to it and you will get her blessings. So I will do more videos for you on Varahi down the road and she is a Goddess who doesn’t want to wait. She is a performing Goddess. She performs in days and weeks, days and weeks. Sometimes months too. Depending on what you want. But you should have faith in her and faith in yourself, faith in the fact that you can make this place a heaven on earth.
So Varahi, even to call on Varahi, Va, Va. Va, Va means come, come. She will come and occupy you. Once she gets into your body, then everything becomes easy to manifest. So the way to invite her is Varahi Va Va. So there will be some programs which you can, Pillai Center is offering, you can participate in them. There are very powerful Varahi vortices that I just finished visiting them. Such a transformation for me in getting my goals accomplished and my goal is to help other people to have a great time on this earth plane through manifesting whatever they want to do without having to wait for a long time.
God Bless Varahi or Varahi bless everybody.
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