Expo SDK 52 & React Native 0.76: Latest Updates and Improvements
In this video, we dive into the latest from Expo SDK 52 and React Native 0.76. We're exploring powerful new features, including the new React Native DevTools, faster Metro builds, DOM Components, and experimental tree shaking in Expo. Ready to unpack these updates together and see how they can streamline your development process? Let's get started! 🚀
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📚 This video includes a lot of tools and technologies, providing an excellent opportunity to learn about:
React Native 0.76
Expo SDK 52
New Architecture in React Native
React Native DevTools
Metro bundler improvements
DOM Components in Expo
Tree Shaking for bundle optimization
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Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
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