Navagraha - Vastu - Dikpalaka Mantraha | Challakere Brothers
Navagraha - Vastu - Dikpalaka Mantraha by Challakere Brothers
The Navagraha Suktam, found in the Krishna Yajurveda, comprises mantras dedicated to the Navagrahas, the nine celestial bodies in the Indian System of Astrology, each mantra being divided into three sections. The first section venerates the Graha Devata, representing the material planet symbolising the Devata. The Adhi Devata, the deity embodying the Graha and its governing force, and the Pratyadhi Devata, believed to alleviate obstacles in one's life with the assistance of the Adhi Devata, paving the way for positivity.
Though primarily aimed at harnessing the energies of the nine Grahas defined in Vedic lore, the hymns predominantly invoke Indra and Agni. Indra, the paramount Vedic deity, guides the forces throughout the realms, while Agni, the conveyor of energy, governs movement across these domains. Navagraha Suktam honours each Graha Devata with hymns praising their quality. Each Graha Devata is requested to impart in us their quality to the best, to help us proceed ahead in the path of Dharma and enlightenment. The qualities ascribed to that are blessed upon us by the Navagrahas are; Surya - Knowledge, Soma - Beauty, Angaraka - Courage, Budha - Critical thinking, Brihaspati - Logic, Shukra - Contentment, Shani - Truthfulness, Rahu - Aggression, Kethu - Tranquility.
The Mrityunjaya Mantra praises Lord Rudra as the conqueror of death, offering strength and courage to uphold Dharma and attain liberation. Ayushya Mantra, invoking blessings for a longer lifespan free from suffering, guides one on the path of Dharma. Both of these Mantras are believed to protect from untimely death, health issues, and increase lifespan.
Vastu refers to harmonious energies in a dwelling, and its mantra enhances positivity and spiritual well-being.
The Ashtadikpalaka Mantra outlines the deities guarding the eight directions and their respective roles: Indra (East - Rain and Thunder), Agni (South East - Fire & Energy), Yama (South - Dharma and Death), Nirrti (South West - Courage and Protection), Varuna (West - Water), Vayu (North West - Wind), Soma (North - Beauty), Ishana (North East - Divinity and Order).
The Sadgunya Devatas, including Durga, Ganapati, and others, support in removing obstacles from one's spiritual practice, enabling focus on deeds for better results. They act as Pratyadhi Devatas aiding in one's sadhana to remove obstacles and attain better results.
We are grateful to the administration of Sri Mallikarjuna temple, Basavanagudi for their support in obtaining the pictures of Navagraha Devatas.
Rendered by : Śrī M. S. Venugopal, Śrī M. S. Sreenivasan
Sincere thanks to : Sri N. Prabhakar and Sri H.N. Pranavasagar, Students of Trayee Veda Vidyalaya Recording assistance : Students of Trayee Veda Vidyalaya
Video Assistance: Smt. Meera Krishnaswamy, Sri. Krishnaswamy Kum. Shreeraksha Sreenivasan, Sri. Sandeep Mattuga, Sri Pushkar Parthakudi, Sri Aravind Koratagere
Description Sourcing: Sri. Bharath Kallur
Recorded at : Aravind Studios, Bangalore
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