
Corporate Culture

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Corporate culture refers to the general way things are done in an organisation, including standards and values that define it
Strong cultures are clear in these values, with all employees subscribing to them. This creates greater unity and can help with motivation
In weak cultures staff are less likely to be trusted and may require more monitoring in order to ensure they are doing their job properly
In power cultures there is one or a few people in the organisation who dominate all elements of decision making. Leadership is likely to be highly autocratic
In role cultures there is a very rigid distribution of work and power between people in the organisation based on their job description and rank
In task cultures teams are formed to fulfil specific targets with power shared evenly between team members
In a person culture emphasis is placed on each individual including their skills and expertise. Power is shared and the needs of the individual often come ahead of the organisation
Corporate cultures are generally embedded deep within organisations and have been built up over a number of years
It is human nature to resist change; new leaders coming in and trying to introduce new cultures will need to overcome HR issues caused by this staff resistance
Strong leadership and clear communication on the reasons for and benefits of change will be required if this is to be successful
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