
How to Write a Bucket List | 100 Things to Do Before You Die

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In this video, we walk through how to create a list of 100 things that YOU want to do before you die. What sorts of things do you include? I share some of my ideas but it's meant to get you thinking about your own life.

For reference, here's my 100 things (in the original order I drafted them):
Visit Greece
Write a song
Publish a poem
Star in a film
Attend a movie premiere
Have a picnic in Central Park
Publish a movie review
Visit Australia and New Zealand
Roadtrip all 50 states
Watch the sunrise over Niagara Falls
Take a photo of the woman I love smiling genuinely
Kiss someone on New Year's Eve
Dress up as Santa Claus for Christmas morning
Teach my children to skip rocks
Learn how to fix a flat tire
Stay up all night talking
Have my music recorded
Be on late night TV
Make the news
Support myself financially
Hot air balloon
Save someone's life
Visit Canada
Get a tattoo
Learn piano
Look in the eyes of the woman I love
Get married somewhere memorable
Write my own vows
Dress up and go out for fast food
Help a stranger in need
Sit on my porch and read a book as the sun sets
Cook a meal
Tell my children I love them
Take my wife on vacation
Watch my children get married
Have a grandchild
Play chess with my kids
Slow dance on a beach
Have a romantic night out for Valentine's Day
Forgive my parents
Forgive myself
Be honest with my wife
Have my last words to my wife be "I love you"
Have a dog that can catch a Frisbee
Take in a stray animal
Take my children to the park to swing
Swing with the woman I love
Tell someone my darkest secret
Serve at a soup kitchen
Direct a movie
Have a poetry reading
Still hold hands with my wife when we're old
Learn a duet on piano with my wife
Have a picnic in a Japanese garden
Watch my children graduate college
Watch my grandchildren walk for the first time
Write an essay on love
Change someone's life
Know unconditional love
DJ in a club
Be someone's role model
Pee off a waterfall
Visit Norway
Visit Jerusalem
Hear my grandchildren say they love me
Never need an assisted living home
See dolphins in the wild
Design my own home
Inspire someone
Cry because I'm happy
Visit Iceland
See a live NFL game
Eat strawberries with my wife
Have a garden
When the power goes out, play a board game by candelight
Make a stranger smile
Pick wildflowers for a bouquet
Learn guitar
Write an episode of television that airs
Do stand-up comedy
Have a best friend
Take a picture holding up the leaning tower of Pisa
Be a member of a live television audience
Try sushi
Have someone I don't know ask for an autograph
See a live tornado
Shoot a gun
Wrestle a pig in the mud
Kiss someone under a full moon
See myself on TV
Watch my kids ride bicycles
Bake a birthday cake
Have someone smile at me for no reason
Watch my first child be born
Hide Easter eggs
Have my kids bury me in sand at the beach
Do karaoke in front of strangers
Join the mile-high club
Die happy
