INSIDE a DIY Deep Energy Retrofit (a Passive House EnerPHit)
Maybe you've dreamt of doing your own DIY Passive House retrofit, or maybe you're knee-deep in your own deep energy retrofit right now. We're excited to share the story of Es Tresidder and the DIY retrofit of his family's home in the Western highlands of Scotland. While Es is a PH consultant, he was not a builder or an experienced DIY'er before this project, so he had a serious learning curve on this project. He shares how that went and how he pulled off this all-electric EnerPhit retrofit for this project.
Learn more about Passive House at: www.passivehouseaccelerator.com/
Special thanks to Ben Adam-Smith of House Planning Help (www.houseplanninghelp.com/) for producing this video and to Mike Coe and Lizzie Stoodley for filming it.