
The Impact Sprinkler - more clever than it seems!

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It's that time again! Time to take a deep dive into the mundane to see what we can learn. Join me as we look at this sprinkler!

Here are some impactful links;
Technology Connextras (the second channel that stuff goes on sometimes):
   / @technologyconnextras  

This channel is supported through viewer contribution on Patreon. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Technology Connections has remained independent and possible. It's how I can make fun of products like these! If you'd like to join the amazing people who've pledged their support, check out the link below. Thank you for your consideration!

And thank you to the following patrons!
The New Universes Project, ShadowWolfy , Alex Groom, Blythe Hines, Brian Beck, Jack Conner, Billiam , LazySpoon, RangerMankin, Greg Lindsey, Robert Haynes, Zilverbolt Malproximate, David Nelson, Eli Youngs, Paul Hackett, Alex H., John Curley, Zeta Grey, Benjamin Dykstra, Dan Cortes, Vy-let Cybra, Joseph Fickus, Raymond Ernesto Colón, Luka Kovac, Mike Berman, Kay Ohtie, Cysioland, Pathite , Adam Jensen, Mr.Bright, Frode Hauge, Stu Kabakoff, Carmichael Keane See, Chris Jordan, Steven V, Brian & Laura, Brian Holder, Mindy B., Patrick Köhl, NoFriendsThatSlav , PetesGuide, Jeremy Whaling, Sunshine Heart, VMRosetta, Christian Löwel, Nathan Walters, Rob C, Michael Yeo, Massimo Fierro, Grant Blayney, Jake Sanders, William McKinnerney, Elizabeth, Amy Cable, Rafael De Los Santos, heyitsleo , Paul Sutton, Timothy Dunn, Jack Alderson, Hunter Kennedy, Eric Kalenak, Lukas Svec, Mike Nichols, Roman , Ari Kestenbaum, Sean Harding, Bryan Helmig, Luis Calvo Mayo, Felix Huang, Blake Palacio, Jonathan Cotton, Isaac , Spencer Golde, William Willing, Pedro Soto, Matthias B, Tim Leidel, Vincent McBeigh, Ramon Perez, Xtr3m3 , Steve Fallon, Punkey , Sascha Strauß, Scott Kuker, V. Legrand, Keith Hemenway, Andrew Eslick
