My Lumen Review: One-year Update | LiveLean TV
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On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing my Lumen review one year update. Did this metabolic tracker help transform my health and well-being? Will it work for you?
00:00 My Lumen Review: One-year Update
01:38 What Health Benefits Did I Get From Using Lumen?
02:23 What I Discovered About Myself Using Lumen Over Time
05:38 Which Lumen Features Did I Use Most And What Could Be Improved?
06:40 How Has My Lumen Experience Improved Over The Year?
08:16 Intermittent Fasting Using Lumen
09:01 Will Lumen Work For You?
Last year, I worked with Lumen to show you how the Lumen device can help turn you into a fat burning machine. Well, since it’s now one year later, I wanted to give an update on my thoughts on if Lumen works for me and if it is a good fit for you.
To be transparent, I used the Lumen on and off in dedicated chunks throughout the year, rather than every single day. Since my nutrition habits are pretty consistent throughout the year, I prefer to use the Lumen in 3-4 week periods to track how my nutrition, movement, sleep, and mindset are positively or negatively impacting my metabolic health:
Based on my tracking, 3 of these lifestyle factors were positively impacting my metabolic health, and one was definitely negatively impacting it.
In all honesty, when first started using Lumen, I was actually a little frustrated with it at times, and I almost gave up on it. There is a learning curve to understanding the data.
However, once I started doing a few things differently, I feel like I began to get more accurate readings from my Lumen device.
What Health Benefits Did I Get From Using Lumen?
To be clear, as a 5’11” 175 pound man, weight loss is not my goal. As a 42 year old dad of two kids, my health goal is to optimize my nutrition, training, and sleep for overall health and longevity.
Since I’ve been consistently following the recommended daily macronutrient breakdowns provided by Lumen, I noticed:
My physique is noticeably tighter
I was energized throughout the day
My will power stayed strong as I didn’t have to make decisions on what to eat
I honestly felt my mood was better and I just felt happier
I guess you could say Lumen is a vibe.
Here's what I discovered about myself using Lumen over time. I’m a big believer in starting your day with a healthy habit, and love to continuously implement new healthy habits in my day. This keeps me accountable and helps me progress towards reaching my health and fitness goals.
Once I wake up in the morning, one of the first things I do to start my day is take my morning check in breath measurement. I find this is a great starting point to keep me disciplined with my decisions throughout the day.
I simply take a morning breath, then let the Lumen device provide me with the answer, based on my unique metabolism for that day. This removes human error and helps me make more accurate meal planning decisions based on science, rather than my current feelings.
Based on how my metabolism is functioning, the Lumen tells me if my body needs a low carb, medium carb, or high carb day.
Is Lumen legit? lumen.me/reviews
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#lumen #metabolism #metabolicflexibility #weightloss #fatburn
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My Lumen Review: One-year Update | LiveLean TV
• My Lumen Review: One-year Update | Li...
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