
🇯🇵4K 東京のバラの名所5選 Top 5 Tokyo Rose Gardens JAPAN 東京観光 旅行 ローズガーデン バラ園 花 神代植物園 新宿御苑 古河庭園 代々木公園 鳩山会館 薔薇

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In Tokyo, May is the best time to see roses in full bloom, with several gardens that boast significant plantings.
There are a host of different gardens across Tokyo where visitors can enjoy a wide variety of them.
Roses bloom in a variety of beautiful colors and surround visitors with their lovely fragrance within the gardens.
Visit roses spots in Tokyo and enjoy their beautiful sceneries throughout the spring.

00:00 オープニング opening
00:14 新宿御苑(新宿区)Shinjuku Gyoen
03:13 代々木公園(渋谷区)Yoyogi Park
05:39 鳩山会館(文京区)Hatoyama Hall
08:36 旧古河庭園(北区)Former Furukawa Garden
11:12 神代植物園(調布市)Jindai Botanical Garden
15:08 Ending

#東京のバラ#東京観光 #バラの名所
