
Life in the Coldest Village on Earth | Oymyakon, Yakutia, Russia | -71°C

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Life in the Coldest Village on Earth | Oymyakon, Yakutia, Russia | -71°C

📢 Turn on subtitles (CC) for better understanding. Available in multiple languages.

Oymyakon, Yakutia, Russia – the coldest inhabited place on Earth.
How do people survive in extreme temperatures of -71°C (-95°F)?
In this documentary, we take you inside the life of the locals in the сoldest village in the world.
How do they live, work, and raise their children in this harsh climate?

Chapters (with CC):
0:00 – Introduction to Oymyakon
0:06 – Morning routine of school children
2:57 – The dangerous way to school in -50°C
4:10 – School: Lessons in extreme cold
7:29 – Hunting in the coldest place
8:18 – How people survive in extreme temperatures
9:50 – Traditional food and lifestyle of the local family
15:00 – What is spirituality for Yakutians?
17:28 – What is Oymyakon about?

Special thanks to:

Ruhi Çenet and his team for the opportunity to film this documentary and for sharing materials - youtube.com/c/RuhiCenetMedya
The best guide in Yakutia, Roksalana, who gave 200% to ensure the success of the filming. - www.instagram.com/rosenschwarzen
Ministry and Agency for Tourism Development of Yakutia for their assistance in filming.
Visit Yakutia - visit-yakutia.com/en

*** Instagram запрещена на территории РФ.

If you love immersing yourself in the lives of people from remote corners of the world, discovering unique cultures, traditions, and ways of life far from civilization, stay with us. More documentaries about fascinating places, indigenous communities, and their stories are coming soon!

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Oymyakon is the coldest inhabited place on Earth, located in Yakutia, Russia. With winter temperatures dropping as low as -71°C (-95°F), it remains one of the most extreme environments where people still manage to live, work, and raise families. This documentary explores the resilience and daily lives of the people in this frozen world.

In this film, we capture how locals survive in such brutal conditions, what they eat, how they get to school in extreme cold, and the traditions that have helped them endure for generations. The village of Oymyakon is a true testament to human adaptation and survival in nature's harshest climate.

