
Chhatrapati ShivajiMaharaj’s 350thCoronation Anniversary |३५०वा शिवराज्याभिषेक महोत्सव । रयतेचा राजा

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Instagram: instagram.com/ayush_patil13?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA=…

Indian history abounds with tales of illustrious kings, valiant warriors, and visionary leaders who have left an indelible mark on the course of time. Among these legends, the extraordinary life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj shines brightly as an embodiment of courage, leadership, unwavering determination, and pro-people administration. The coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj marked a turning point, laying the foundation for the future of this Hindu Empire, solidifying its strength, and ensuring its enduring heritage. As we commemorate the 350th year of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s coronation, known as the ‘Shivrajyabhishek Sohala‘ according to the Shiva Shaka calendar, we pay homage to his remarkable achievements and profound contributions to the establishment of the Hindu Kingdom. Last but not the least I just want to say that NEVER EVER FORGET YOUR ROOTS,YOUR HISTORY,YOUR GOLDEN PAST.
Jai Bhavani Jai Shivaji🚩🚩. #shivajimaharaj #raigad #shivaji #shiva #rajyabhishek #sambhaji #sambhajimaharaj #sambhajirajechhatrapati #sambhajiraje #raigadfort #jaibhavanijaishivaji #shivaji #maharashtra #shivajimaharaj #maharaj #chatrapati #maratha #marathi #shivajimaharajhistory #chhatrapati #raje #marathaempire #india #shivajiraje #jayshivray #pune #swarajya #sahyadri #sambhajimaharaj #swarajyarakshaksambhaji #history #ig #mumbai #hindu #chatrapatishivajimaharaj #raigad #fort #desha #shivray #sambhaji #chhatrapatishivajimaharaj
