Can We Revive An Extinct Species? | Breakthrough
Join us in the fascinating story of the thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, a fierce predator that once roamed Tasmania. Resembling a cross between a wolf and a big cat, the thylacine was hunted to extinction on mainland Australia 3,000 years ago, with the last known individual dying in 1936 at Hobart Zoo. Dr. Andrew Pask, from the University of Melbourne,
leads scientific efforts to bring this extinct species back to life.
Find the full documentary: curiositystream.com/video/2961
Breakthrough, Resurrecting Tasmanian Tigers
Wiped off the face of the Earth by humans nearly a century ago, geneticists are now working on resurrecting the enigmatic Tasmanian Tiger.
#CuriosityStream #ExtinctSpecies #TasmanianTiger