
Engine Black Holes [4K]

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Lying at the cores of most large galaxies, do we find the “largest” type of object in the universe- a supermassive “engine” black hole. They almost always have masses many millions of times that of the sun, while the biggest grow to tens of billions. Exactly what was responsible for seeding these great engines, and building up their immense sizes, is a challenge only the James Webb Telescope can rise to.

The concept of “Engine Black Holes” came from a book I read as an 12 year old, which talked about the Direct Collapse model. I don’t know what book it was or what happened to it, but I intended to bring it to life in this video. Merry Christmas! And many happy returns in 2024.

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Do you use these videos to sleep or for night time watching? Check out the new sleeping space playlist, a collection of my most chilled out and ambient videos.
   • (New) SPACE VIDEOS for Sleeping & Rel... …

The majority of tracks in this video are royalty-free tracks from Storyblocks. Exceptions are listed.

The Second One | Enzo Orefice
Falling | Elfiz
Haunting Atmospheric Si-Fi Sounds… | Gerardo Garcia Jr
Meditation Vibes | Sleeping Ghost
Voice | Elfiz
Incarnation | Scott Buckley

Scott Buckley’s track can be found on his website: www.scottbuckley.com.au/2024/10/new-library-track-…

The space scenes in this video were captured using SpaceEngine Pro, a virtual universe simulator:
Get SpaceEngine on Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/314650/SpaceEngine/

Numerous sequences and high-resolution images were provided by NASA to the public domain

Multiple graphic sequences were provided by Storyblocks, a stock media site: www.storyblocks.com/

Some scenes were downloaded from Vecteezy, for which a Pro Licence Holder is held: www.vecteezy.com/members/sea-media-stock

Direct Collapse Primordial Black Hole Simulation:    • Primordial black hole formation with ...  


Chris J.Willot et al. (2010), "Eddington-Limit Accretion and the Black Hole Mass Function at Redshift 6" arxiv.org/abs/1006.1342
Bin Yue et al. (2014); "The Brief Era of Direct Collapse Black Hole Formation" arxiv.org/abs/1402.5675
Michael Brockamp et al. (2015); "Unveiling Gargantua: A New Search Strategy for the Most Massive Central Cluster Black Holes" arxiv.org/abs/1509.04782
James Webb Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey: www.stsci.edu/jwst/science-execution/approved-prog…
Rebecca Larson et al. (2023); "A CEERS Discovery of an Accreting Supermassive Black Hole 570 Myr after the Big Bang: Identifying a Progenitor of Massive z=6 Quasars" arxiv.org/abs/2303.08918
ESA (May 2024); "Webb Detects Most Distant Black Hole Merger to Date" esawebb.org/news/weic2413/
Hyewon Suh et al. (2024); "A Super-Eddington-Accreting Black Hole ~1.5 Gyr after the Big Bang observed with JWST" www.nature.com/articles/s41550-024-02402-9
Suvendu Rakshit, C. S. Stali, Jari Kotilaninen (2019); "Spectral Properties of Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 14: The Catalog" arxiv.org/abs/1910.10395
Bililign T. Dullo (2019); "The Most Massive Galaxies with Large Depleted Cores: Structural Parameter Relations and Black Hole Masses" iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab4d4…
Davies, Paul (1997). The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About The Ultimate Fate of the Universe. Basic Books. ISBN 978-0-465-03851-0.
Stephen Hawking (1974); "Black Hole Explosions?" ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1974Natur.248...30H

0:00 The Most Massive Objects
1:48 The Cosmic Dawn
5:33 Primordial Black Holes
7:02 Direct Collapse
9:07 Distant Supermassive Black Holes
13:35 Webb Telescope’s Findings
16:34 The Biggest Black Holes
21:31 The Distant Future
23:12 The End of the Universe
25:13 Hawking Radiation
28:22 Exploding Black Holes!

Business Enquiries: SEA.Enquiries@gmail.com

Space, Astronomy, Universe, Black Holes, Supermassive Black Holes, Big Bang,
Engine Black Hole, James Webb Telescope, Cosmic Dawn,
Population III Star, Supernova, Stellar Black Hole, Accretion, Disk,
Eddington Limit, Primordial Black Hole, Direct Collapse Black Hole,
Webb, Infrared, CEERS, Redshift, Quasar, Galaxy
Mergers, Gravitational Waves, ZS7, LISA, Chandra,
TON-618, M-87, Holmberg 15A, Abell 1201, Phoenix A,
Big Crunch, End of the Universe, Hawking Radiation, Heat Death, 2025
Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Particles, Theory of Everything
