
Lumen Review: Health Benefits From Using Lumen Metabolism Tracker | LiveLeanTV

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LUMEN REVIEW: Health Benefits From Using Lumen Metabolism Tracker
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What Health Benefits Did I Get From Using Lumen?

To be clear, as a 5’11” 175 pound man, weight loss is not my goal. As a 42 year old dad of two kids, my health goal is to optimize my nutrition, training, and sleep for overall health and longevity.

However, since I’ve been consistently following the recommended daily macronutrient breakdowns provided by Lumen, I noticed:
My physique is noticeably tighter
I was energized throughout the day
My will power stayed strong as I didn’t have to make decisions on what to eat
I honestly felt my mood was better and I just felt happier

I guess you could say, Lumen is a vibe.

Full Blog Post: bit.ly/3LaMQyf
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Lumen Review: Health Benefits From Using Lumen Metabolism Tracker | LiveLeanTV
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