Camellia - ΩΩPARTS (From OWC2020 Standard Grand Final Tiebreaker)
Bandcamp : cametek.bandcamp.com/track/parts ← nice URL btw
iTunes / Spotify / YouTube Music / LINE Music / Deezer / Amazon music / etc : linkco.re/n7MRNDS2 (it maybe delayed a little by process of distribution services, and depends on your timezone)
About OWC: osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Tournaments/OWC/2020
Big shoutout for OWC team. I appreciate all your efforts!
Hi, it's Camellia.
I made a brand new song "ΩΩPARTS" (yeah it's OOPARTS, pronounced as 'ooparts' too, but "fancier" one) for OWC2020 Standard, tiebreaker match of the grand final match.
Starting with Electro / Breaks with 140BPM, and goes to Hi-tech, Drumstep / Dubstep, Trap / Twerk, Hardcore, and Speedcore with a BPM of 230.
This Full-Flavor style song has BPMs and genres that keep changing.
I look forward to seeing your rhythm battles!
OWC2020 Standard, 決勝戦 Tiebreaker(同点最終マッチ)に新曲「ΩΩPARTS」を提供しました。
BPM140のElectro / Breaksから始まり、 Hi-tech, Drumstep / Dubstep, Trap / Twerk, Hardcore, そしてBPM230のSpeedcoreと、どんどんBPMもジャンルも変わっていくFull-Flavorスタイルの楽曲になっています。
■ cametek.jp/
■ twitter.com/cametek
■ discord.gg/xrzAse6
■ / camellia - topic
■ open.spotify.com/artist/4bwIf0yXJf0F9AmOl2J78M
■ itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/%E3%81%8B%E3%82%81%E3%8…
■ www.twitch.tv/cametek
■ cametek.bandcamp.com/