
Gen X vs. Millennial vs. Gen Z Menswear Debate | Off the Cuff

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Episode one of our NEW series examines generational differences in style: gentl.mn/generation-menswear-debate

Thanks to our special guests, Antonio Centeno of ‪@RealMenRealStyle‬ and James Lawley of ‪@Gent.Z‬!

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→ Questions Prepared By: Tyler Domecq
→ Camera: Graham Zima
→ Editing: Chris Dummer
→ Visual Supervisor: Jack Collins, Preston Schlueter, Teresa C. Schneider
→ Tommy Hilfiger
→ Gucci
→ Fashion Channel
→ Eon Productions
→ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures
→ Columbia Pictures

→ Brooks Brothers
→ Thom Browne
→ Neiman Marcus
→ Warner Bros. Pictures
→ Tom Ford
→ WishbookWeb.com
→ Nordstorm / Essentials
→ Ralph Lauren
→ Vans
→ Paramount Pictures
→ Hamilton Watches
→ Victoria Brynner
→ Life Magazine
→ National WWI Museum
→ Abercrombie

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0:00 Introduction

We've got James from Gent Z and Antonio from Real Men Real Style. Raphael as the millenial, Antonio as Gen X, and obviously James as Gen Z.

0:44 What Defines Your Generation Stylistically?

Antonio [Gen X]: You know, I grew up in the 80s and 90s. So, we saw from, you know, the 80s, the big shoulders, all the power suits, and things like that, going into the 90s; the rise of grunge and the styles there; and then, you go through the 2000s, you see... Who was it that was wearing all—was it Brown? The guy was wearing all the small, tight suits that looked like they were too short? 

James [Gen Z]: For a lot of other people of my generation, style is a little bit less of a big deal; some people put a bit less thought into their presentation. So, I think it's divided into two camps, but I think we have the most ownership and ability to be individual with our style—compared to the previous generations. 

Raphael [Millenial]: I mean, you know, for me growing up, it was this like—wow, there's this time when everything was skinny. You know, pants got skinny and, remember, men wearing like, you know, skin tight, stretch pants like—exactly, spray-on jeans, right, which was... Before then, I think it was not something that I saw. I also think that, you know, the man purse kind of was... It came into existence during that generation.

08:52 → What Item Did Your Generation Popularize?
18:38 → Who Was The Defining Designer From Your Generation?
24:20 → What Do You Think of Streetwear/Fashion Brands Like 'Supreme'?
26:25 → What Items From A Specific Generation Do You Wear?
28:40 → What Do You Think of Sunglasses & Eyewear From Your Generation?
35:12 → Do You Have Any Prejudices Against Other Generations?

Having to talk about different generations and coming together is great. and Antonio have always been great connectors in bringing people together.

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