
Trading Style | How to Deal with Emotions | Trading in the Zone | Episode:9

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Hello Traders,
In this session, we’ll start by learning different types of entry. You’ll learn how to identify and determine the authenticity of a zone, distinguishing between authentic and non-authentic zones. Next, we’ll discuss various trading styles to help you find the one that suits you best.

In the second part of the session, we’ll focus on managing emotions in trading. You’ll discover strategies to stay emotionally balanced, addressing common challenges like fear, greed, and FOMO, so you can approach your trades with a clear and stable mindset before, during, and after the trade.

By the end of this session, you will have the knowledge to trade with confidence and maintain emotional stability throughout your trading journey.


00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:02 Types of Entry
00:28:17 Authenticity of a Zone
01:05:21 Trading Style
01:36:16 How to deal with emotions
02:17:47 Q&A Session

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GTF, the most trusted stock market institute in India, is committed to transforming lives through financial education. Two years ago, we launched the 'Har Ghar GTF Trader Mission' to make India financially independent. Initially, we offered 10 free classes from our premium course, Trading in the Zone, on YouTube, which received a tremendous response.

Now, with 'Har Ghar GTF Trader Mission 2.0', we are offering all 20 classes for free on YouTube, covering demand and supply theory, multiple time frame analysis, risk management, advanced trends, sectoral analysis, and trading psychology.

After completing this course, you'll be fully equipped to become a full-time trader.

Happy Learning!

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