speaking ONLY CHINESE w/ my boyfriend for 24 hours ✨ a day in our lives in China (eng sub)
spend a day in Guangzhou, China with me and my boyfriend, where we speak ONLY Chinese to each other for 24 hours! we'll show you what a day in our lives in China is like, take you to our favorite spots in Guangzhou, and have a real chat about language, culture & living in China.
also very important question - did you think i have different personalities speaking Chinese vs speaking English? lmk in the comments👀
xx Evelyn
an act of translation is alway an act of betrayal - R F Kuang
00:00 intro
00:42 getting lunch
01:56 going to the post office
02:44 exploring Shamian
03:40 Starbucks
05:40 reading in a different language
06:30 why i vlog in English
07:34 international couple
08:14 Cantonese food
09:00 (Dave's) cocktail bar
09:37 Q&A
i just quit my job to make content for you full time:)
buy me a coffee here: ko-fi.com/tapiocapress
...so you have more videos to watch, and I don't have to sell my soul to corporate (again)
if you can't afford a coffee, no sweats. like, subscribe, and tell your friends about this channel - these are all huge ways to help!
inspired by:
@leahsfieldnotes speaking Chinese to her boyfriend (at the time) - who doesn't speak Chinese (very different perspective!) • SPEAKING CHINESE to MY BOYFRIEND🧚move...
@cocoxu speaking Chinese for 24 hours • speaking ONLY Chinese for 24 hours (e...
if you are new here, here are some of my vlogs speaking English:
a day in Shanghai - • 24 hours in shanghai | traveling alon...
a day in Beijing - • beijing diaries | a day on a bike 🚲 h...
a few days in Guangzhou - • life in china✨settling into a new cit...
getting my life together - • getting my life together🍂fall reset, ...
my vlogging camera - amzn.to/48kBZex
my mic - amzn.to/3RP5yPF
Babel by R F Kuang - • getting my life together🍂fall reset, ...
FREE $15 credit on Mint Mobile - fbuy.me/uuOiu
Epidemic Sound (free 1st month) share.epidemicsound.com/o2pwcw
Thematic Premium (free 1st month) app.hellothematic.com/?via=tapiocapress
Sam Celentano - Basil Scented Hand Soap - thmatc.co/?l=E50D50BF
🙋🏻♀️ HELLO
Hi, I’m Evelyn✨
➭ how old are you? 29 (born in 1994)
➭ where do you live? Guangzhou, China (for now)
➭ what's your MBTI? INFP
➭ what was your job before you quit? consultant/program manager
➭ what's your editing software? Edited with Gling AI: bit.ly/46bGeYv & finalcut pro
on this channel I share my life as a recent corporate drop out, going on a journey of growth and self-discovery to (hopefully) figure out what I want to do, and where I want to be. Grateful to have you here:)
FTC: this video is not sponsored. some of the links are affiliate links meaning I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them, but it doesn't cost you any extra. thanks so much for yo