
【24時間ライブ】四国八十八ヶ所 第二十二番・平等寺|いつでも心と身体を癒すリモート参拝

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Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage, 22nd Temple - Byodoji Main Hall is conducting a 24-hour live stream.

You can participate in remote worship anytime, anywhere, including daily morning and evening services, Sunday festival goma ceremonies, and more. For those who cannot visit directly due to health issues or distance, you can view the main deity Yakushi Nyorai online.

Reason for This Stream

We aim to allow those who cannot visit Byodoji directly due to health or environmental reasons to worship the main deity Yakushi Nyorai and participate in goma and services from their homes or hospital rooms. Please take advantage of remote worship to heal your mind and body at any time.

We hope you can feel the connection and the blessings from Byodoji and the Buddha anytime, anywhere. Gassho.

#RemoteWorship #Shikoku88 #Pilgrimage

Main Features of This Stream
Morning Service: 06:00-08:00
Evening Service: 20:00-22:00 (Daily)
Goma Ceremony: 15:00-17:00 (Every Sunday)
Festival Goma (1st, 8th, 18th, 28th of every month): 20:00-22:00
During times when services are not being held, please enjoy the sounds of birds, insects, and pilgrims' bells.

Community Guidelines: byodoji.online/community/guidelines

Applications for Prayers, Offerings, Amulets, and Talismans: byodoji.online/app
Añjali (A New Form of Prayer): byodoji.online/anjali
Ask the Head Priest: byodoji.online/qa
