
Holding onto Anger is like Drinking Poison @psych2goeducation804

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Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Do you agree with this quote? Reuploaded from:    • Why Do You Get Angry Easily?   ‪@psych2goeducation804‬, because the views were so low and this video deserves more recognition. Anger management is a real problem we all could benefit from.

In this video, we review what anger issue is, where it stems from, and how to manage anger in a healthy manner.

If you find yourself often dealing with anger issues, we recommend you, check out this list: psych2go.net/nine-signs-that-you-may-have-anger-is…

This video was re-uploaded from our ‪@psych2goeducation804‬ channel, a channel dedicated to the advice side of psych2go.

article - psych2go.net/why-do-we-get-angry/

Writer: Kelly Soong
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Vanessa Val
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
