
Which Hose Reel is Best? - Comparing the Top 10

673778 7530________

Here are the results in order of highest score to lowest score: (reminder, if you have feedback on any of these hose reels, let people know in the comments because it is legitimately helpful).

1. Hoselink (also the MOST expensive) : amzn.to/3PxUlRr
2. Glahoden (best bang for your buck) : amzn.to/3IO9mKW
3. Gardena : amzn.to/3IMfCDc
4/5 tie. Flexzilla : amzn.to/3TsFnxf
5/5 tie. Vevor (This was obviously NOT a long term test but if I had to guess which of these would wear out the fastest, it would be this one which makes sense because it is the cheapest option. Just had to throw this out there) : amzn.to/497s6jA
6. Giraffe (*NEW DEVELOPMENT* - Giraffe now has an option for a METAL BRACKET and since that was our biggest gripe for this reel, that alone would move this one up the list!) : amzn.to/3TLVPtQ
7. Blubery : amzn.to/4a0QMLI
8. Retracta: amzn.to/3vf5NdX

Side Note: If you are looking for garden hose quick connects, I did a video on the best of those also but spoiler alert, eley was the best: www.eleyhosereels.com/?rfsn=6089010.c2d140

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