
Broadcast spreader, Battery VS Manual, Which is better?

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Buying a handheld broadcast spreader for fertilizer or icemelt? Today I talk about my favorite one and which one to avoid.

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🛒 Scotts Wiz battery operated hand held spreader- (PAID LINK)

🛒 Spyker Hand Held Spreader (PAID LINK)

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Whether or not your spreading icemelt, fertilizer, grass seed, fungicides etc you want a reliable piece of equipment. No sense in buying them all. Which is why I do not prefer battery operated spreaders. In todays video I show you what happened when i applied fertilizer on my lawn with the scotts wizz battery operated hand held spreader. It left a mouse trap on my lawn. This waws caused by the fertilizer spreader dumping the fertilizer right out the front and not spreading much laterally.

The major issues I face with battery operated handheld spreaders are the batteries do not last, the design doesn't distribute the fertilizer correctly and if the unit breaks you cannot fix it or jerry rig it to finish the jo
