
2021台灣光環境_宣傳影片 | 2021 Taiwan Environment Lighting Award_Promotional Video

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有「台灣最美的光」之稱的獎項「台灣光環境獎」,每年在國際照明專家周鍊領軍的評審團下,徵選出年度代表性的作品,民眾得以透過得獎作品,於生活中體驗感受優質的光環境。2022於雲門劇場舉辦頒獎典禮,在雲門舞集精采的舞作「鼓聲」演出後,揭曉今年最動人的光影空間,由「金普頓大安酒店」、「Shadow In Motion」、「銀座聚場」與「屏東縣立圖書館總館」脫穎而出,獲得本屆台灣光環境獎肯定。

The Taiwan Environment Lighting Award is known for recognizing “the most beautiful lights in Taiwan.” Annually, the award’s jury committee, led by international lighting expert Chou Lien, selects the year’s most iconic projects, as the awarded projects offer to the general public exceptional environment lighting in their daily lives. This year’s award ceremony was held at the Cloud Gate Theater, with an exciting opening performance presented by the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre. The year’s winners were than announced, with Kimpton Da An Hotel, Shadow In Motion, House of Takao Ginza, and Pingtung County Library recognized as this year’s Taiwan Environment Lighting Award honorees.

更多內容/ Further Reading | www.coretronicart.org.tw/Info/10338
