Top 7 Halloween Candies In the World
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This video is about Top 7 Halloween Candies In the World
01.Tootsie Rolls
How much do I loathe these sticky brown chunks? I would go so far as to say Tootsie Rolls are downright offensive. If you offer me this candy, I will never speak to you again. Everything about it—the shape, texture, flavor—are so repulsive. Trash.
02. A bag of pretzels
Pretzels are not candy, but everyone recalls the one house on the block that decided to promote health and not hand out candy. Maybe it was apples or a bag of pretzels, but all you walked away with a whole lot of disappointment. For the love of sugared-up kids everywhere, please don't do this. Let the children have their day of fun.
03. Runts
I just don't get these. Sure, they are colorful and shaped like fruit, but you can't chew them, and sucking on them doesn't really bring any satisfaction either. Where's the appeal? If you locate it, give me a call.
04. Candy Corn
Candy corn is a type of small, pyramid-shaped candy, typically divided into three sections of different colors, with a waxy texture and a flavor based on honey, sugar, butter, and vanilla.
We not as mad at candy corn as other people. We like candy corn. But does it excite us? Sadly, no.
05. Whoppers
People have opinions about these: Either ya love 'em or ya hate 'em. We will say they lean on the dustier side, but We appreciate the change in texture and the fact that you have to really bite into these for the chocolate to crack.
06. Baby Ruth/Snickers
Some might be upset at me for lumping these two into the same category. But the only real difference between them is where the peanuts are located. Snickers does a better job at cosmetics by layering the peanuts chopped up in the caramel, while Baby Ruth places them whole. To me, they are both crunchy and soft with a great caramel flavor.
7. M&M's
Regular, peanut, or mini, these are the top candy of Halloween. Practically no kid gets upset about M&M's, and they were not often up for trading because everyone liked to keep them. For that reason and so many more, M&M's reign supreme.
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