🇯🇵 4K New Year's TOKYO JAPAN 正月の東京初詣8選 浅草 明治神宮 靖国神社 柴又帝釈天 初詣 正月 観光 旅行 旅行 tourism 正月飾り 新春 参拝 新年
2022 New Year's in Tokyo 8 spots.
New Year’s is the most important festival of the year. This is when families gather to feast and visit their local temples and shrines to pray for good fortune in the year.
There are some fine temples and shrines in the Tokyo and it's well worth a visit to some of them.
Some people choose to visit their local neighborhood shrine, while others make the trek to one of the Tokyo’s larger famous shrines.
The shrines and temples of Tokyo attract millions of people each year.
00:00 オープニングOpening
02:54 浅草寺(台東区)Sensoji Temple
04:56 柴又帝釈天(葛飾区)Shibamata Taishakuten
07:10 明治神宮(渋谷区)Meiji Shrine
10:43 靖国神社(千代田区)Yasukuni Shrine
13:05 湯島天神(文京区)Yushima Tenjin
14:29 赤城神社(新宿区)Akagi Shrine
15:40 毘沙門天 善國寺(新宿区)Bishamonten Zenkokuji Temple
16:56 鷲神社(台東区)Ohtori Shrine
#東京の初詣 #新年 #NewYear’s