What Is ESP (Extrasensory Perception)? | Psychic Abilities
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What is ESP? Extra Sensory Perception, literally, to know something that you cannot logically, possibly know, something outside your own physical experience. I have been told I have supersy, the ability to reach back in time to other people's experiences, not my own, and relay them as if they were my own.
I would like to explain this to you in a way that you're all going to understand. Okay. Think about your bedroom. It brings up a picture in your mind, doesn't it? Of course it does. Everybody does. You know what your bedroom looks like. When I am working in certain areas, the thing is, I would also know what your bedroom looks like. I've never been to your bedroom. That is something outside my personal knowledge, which also comes into play when I do my paranormal experiences, or, if we like ghost hunting, and also when I do my world predictions, which I do every year and have done for 25 years. This is nothing to do with tarot or anything else. I literally sit doing my world predictions with a yellow legal pad. I divide it into national, international, New York City, and for international, which is my basic strength, I, in my mind's eye, see the globe rotating, and I am drawn to certain areas. I put down what I see. It's always one liners. And you may or may not believe me, but this is the truth, I don't check the information to check to see whether it is logical enough. I commit it to paper, and send it off to Cindy Adams at the New York Post.
That is part of my extra sensory perception. These are things I don't know about, I couldn't possibly know about. they tend to be, well, the world predictions are, of course, in the future, and I have no control over them at all. I just see things that I cannot logically have seen.