
4.5 White Mage Zealot - Hero Siege 2

21200 153________

Check out more Hero Siege 2 Builds:    • Season 4.5 Build Guides  

Prospecting Runes:    • Hero Siege 2: Prospecting Runes  

How To Augment:    • Hero Siege 2: How to Augment Gear!  

   / @graxy_tv  

Intro - 0:00
Build Overview - 1:48
How to Level - 2:20
Affix Names/Values - 3:18
Additional Stats - 3:34
Early Questing - 3:52
Starter Runewords - 4:27
Skill Trees - 5:17
Attributes - 6:34
Level 100 Checklist - 6:56
Progression Tips - 7:58
Budget Items - 8:30
Mid/Endgame Items - 9:24
Hero Levels - 10:07
Glyphs - 10:42
Relics - 11:03
Satanic Potions - 11:22
Augments - 11:32
Mercenary - 11:48
Thanks for Watching! - 12:20
