
Omar Esa - Jummah Mubarak Nasheed | 3D Islamic Cartoon

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SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar -    • Omar Esa - SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah ...  
Allahumma Antas Salam -    • Omar Esa - Allahumma Antas Salam (Off...  

BUY OR STREAM Omar Esa's brand new history setting album 'Allah and his Beloved' (Alhamdullilah) - Link: https://album.link/qvCVC8VXbWV4K

4K Animated 3D nasheed video :-) ENJOY, LIKE & SHARE!!!
Download NOW - https://music.apple.com/gb/album/jumm...

Also put on the Bell notification so you get notified whenever I release a new nasheed straight away In'shaa'Allah :-)

I am a voice only nasheed artist Alhamdulillah. I do not use beatboxing or studio synthesisers in my nasheeds, everything you hear in this nasheed and in all my nasheeds is done by my own voice Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin. I don't even use the duff even though the duff is permissible in Islam. May Almighty Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) accept my nasheed (dawah) work from me Ameen! Whatever music can do, so can the voice! My voice is my instrument.

Connect with me @
► Facebook:   / 1omaresa  
► Instagram:   / 1omaresa  
► Twitter:   / 1omaresa  
► Snapchat - omaresanasheeds
► Soundcloud:   / 1omaresa  
► Website: https://www.omaresa.com

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
It is Friday
This is the best day

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak

Waking up in the morning
Got that special Friday feeling
Getting ready in my best clothes now
My Jubbah looking kris
Going all out

Jump in my ride to the masjid
Hearing the khutbah it's a blessing
Now we're standing in the saf and we're praying
Then I greet akhis with Assalamu alikum

Friday is here and it is the best of days
When we go to the masjid and we all pray
There are blessings on this special day
Thank you Allah thank you for this day

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
It is Friday
This is the best day

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak

Friday Sunnahs on lockdown
Looking fresh with my miswak
Reading Surat Al Kahf on a Friday
And sending salawat on the Prophet (Peace be upon him)

Friday is here and it is the best of days
When we go to the masjid and we all pray
There are blessings on this special day
Thank you Allah thank you for this day

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
It is Friday
This is the best day

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak

We all get this special day
To change our ways
To cleanse our hearts
A brand new start

And don’t forget that hour
Of Sa’at al istijabah
Where prayers are accepted
From our

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
It is Friday
This is the best day

Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak
Jummah Mubarak

#JummahMubarak #OmarEsa #IslamicCartoon
