Making Soap with Champagne 🥂
Buy my soaps and bath bombs: website - www.quenchsoap.com
Get this champagne soap on my Patreon here: tinyurl.com/ymse72mz
Products Mentioned:
Soap Molds: Winston and Walter: tinyurl.com/ymus2utz
24 LB "Jerika" soap mold: tinyurl.com/ymzbss4v
7.5 LB "Tall & Skinny" soap mold: tinyurl.com/2tkjcbn7
Soap Cutter: tinyurl.com/33udcdfu
Bath Bomb and Soap Making supplies: Fizz Fairy - Use the code JERIKA15 at checkout for 15% off your purchase: tinyurl.com/yc7k3jsw
Prima Donna Mica: tinyurl.com/ytj54vun
Shimmery Black Mica: tinyurl.com/3fna5f8z
Gun Metal Grey Mica: tinyurl.com/ytpryma4
Glitter Gold Mica: tinyurl.com/2p8yh47x
Peach Nectar Bioglitter: tinyurl.com/2bze9dnj
Nurture Soap: nurturesoap.com/?aff=647
Titanium Dioxide (water-soluble): tinyurl.com/46p6t8bn
Candle-Making Fragrances and Supplies: Morouge Canada - Use the code JERIKA10 at checkout for 10% off your purchase: www.morouge.ca/
Pink Guava fragrance oil: tinyurl.com/u28rse5s
Bergamot and Clary Sage fragrance oil: tinyurl.com/ye2252vx
Bramble Berry: - Bramble Berry Tumbler: bberry.studio/BBMerch
Soap Molds: Winston and Walter: tinyurl.com/ymus2utz
Shea Butter Supplier: Baraka Shea Butter - Get $15 off! : barakaimpact.refr.cc/jerikaz
Camera: amzn.to/3Gv7lSX
Lens: amzn.to/3t93c3S
Sweet Almond oil: amzn.to/48JKlwg
Hemp Seed oil: amzn.to/49H2OKB
Coconut oil: amzn.to/48n4kjJ
Castor oil: amzn.to/3RPvEAk
Stick Blender: amzn.to/48BseaU
12 qt Tub: amzn.to/47qPtn4
Apron: amzn.to/3KdhLss
Glass Measuring Cups: amzn.to/3OOifGY
Digital Weighing Scale: amzn.to/3DDrPYh
Nitrile Latex-Free, Powder-Free Gloves: amzn.to/3OFu1Ub
My Glasses: Zinff Optical
Use the code Jerika for 50% off frames & 10% off lenses: tinyurl.com/2p8dtuyw
Glasses I wear: Cat-eye Rhea Frame: tinyurl.com/2p96mz6s
Glasses Cale wears: Round Aphrodite Frame tinyurl.com/39cv7sp7
Follow me on Instagram:
Subscribe! It's free! And don't forget to leave a like if I put a smile on your face :)
Buy my soaps: website - www.quenchsoap.com
Music through Epidemic Sound (30 day free trial): www.epidemicsound.com/referral/815rts
Products, Companies and Software I love:
Bath Bomb and Soap Making supplies: Fizz Fairy - Use the code JERIKA15 at checkout for 15% off your purchase: tinyurl.com/yc7k3jsw
Bath Bomb Machine, mold and curing tray - Bath Bomb Press: www.bathbombpress.com/en
Candle-Making Fragrances and Supplies: Morouge Canada - Use the code JERIKA10 at checkout for 10% off your purchase: www.morouge.ca/
Graphics: Canva Pro (free trial): partner.canva.com/jerika
How I make my Soap Boxes: Cricut - Use code DNAZHYIIBH18 to get 10% off of your Cricut Machine and bundles! - cricut.pxf.io/jerika
Inventory Management: Inventora - inventora.com/?via=jerika
Make Herb Infusions QUICK: Levo - Use the code JERIKA at checkout for 10% off your purchase: tinyurl.com/47yepbp4
My Lashes: amzn.to/3GByep1
My Favourite Website Platform: Shopify: shopify.pxf.io/jerika
Premium Fragrance Oils, Soap and Candle Making Supplies: Makesy - makesy.com/?rfsn=7371131.19813f
Shea Butter Supplier: Baraka Shea Butter - Get $15 off! : barakaimpact.refr.cc/jerikaz
Soap Supplies and Raw Materials: Nurture Soap: nurturesoap.com/?aff=647
Soap Molds: Winston and Walter: tinyurl.com/ymus2utz
SHOP MY FAVES ON AMAZON: www.amazon.com/shop/jerikazimmerman
p a c k a g i n g
Laser Printer: amzn.to/2X2QrnX
Equipment: a.co/gfnzXcm
Equipment: a.co/cmbLqAc
v e n d i n g -- a n d -- m a r k e t s
Debit/Credit Card Reader (Square): squareup.com/i/QUENCHSOAP
p h o t o g r a p h y -- a n d -- f i l m i n g
What I use for product photos -amzn.to/2JdoNAS
The lens on my camera - amzn.to/31Ybafp
My new vlog camera: amzn.to/3hM6jcx
My old vlog camera: amzn.to/3WI6l46
Phone/Camera Stand - amzn.to/3JwEm0N
Some links above may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission if you click it and/or purchase through that link. You don't pay any extra, but you'd be supporting me and my channel! I appreciate your support SO MUCH and thank you for helping me, my brand and my channel grow! Every little contribution means so much to me and I would never recommend a product that I wouldn't use myself. Thanks for watching and REMEMBER: keep being awesome, keep smiling and keep making beautiful things!