
“I Went to S. Arabia to Preach Christianity… But I Became Muslim” – Missionary Converted to Islam

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Assalamu aleikum brothers and sisters, in today's video let's look at a Christian missionary traveling to Saudi Arabia to preach, but in the end she found Islam!

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00:00 Intro
01:07 Who is Sister Daisy?
01:52 How was your life in regards to the faith? What were you believing in?
02:38 What was the thing that made you question your beliefs?
03:06 How did your journey towards Islam begin?
05:14 Did you see Kaaba when you first went to Saudi Arabia?
12:54 Can you tell us how you felt in sajda and what crossed your mind?
13:20 How did you not lose the faith in Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?
13:47 Did anyone in your family or your close circle become Muslim after you?
14:32 So how do you think a revert should explain Islam to her family?
15:25 Have you ever experienced an extraordinary event where you felt that you had a special connection with Allah?
16:42 Who is Mary and who is Jesus for you after Islam?
18:44 If a Christian asks you, why did you leave the team of Jesus and Mary and became Muslim?
19:26 What would you say to your 18 year old self?
19:42 If someone watching right now and his/her heart warming to Islam but afraid of their family's reaction, what would you say to them?
20:29 Who would you like to talk to in Paradise except Allah and the messenger (pbuh)?
