
Maybe we need to Work on it

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SOTY Animations: youtube.com/@SOTYANIMATION
Stephen Yeager:    / @stephenyeager  
Taylor Kaylynn:    / @taylorkaylynn  
Just 4 Girls:    / @sotysisters  
SOTY Gaming:    / @sotygaming  
The SOTY Show:    / @thesotyshow  
Stephen Yeager Gaming:    / @stephenyeagergaming9418  

Website: www.shotoftheyeagers.com/

SOTY social media:
SOTY Social Media
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@thesotyfam
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@sotystephen
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@j4gsotysisters
Instagram: www.instagram.com/Shot_of_the_yeagers/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/stephen_m_yeager/

Business email: business@shotoftheyeagers.com
Fan email: contactus@shotoftheyeagers.com
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