The First Ever Sora Boss Fight - Kingdom Hearts 3 MOD
Download Mod Here:
Other Boss in Kingdom Hearts 3 Ultimate Cut MOD series Here:
I didn't plan on making another Ultimate Cut boss mod this early form the last one. But I have thought of making boss fight of different character with there own unique and appropriate moveset for a long while now. With some knowledge of making Sora animation compatible with Xion. the floodgate has open and I can customize boss attack animations now.
Now. I'm focusing on animation changes for this MOD, so patterns wise, not much is changed from Data Xion. No randomize pattern for example. But I'm making Sora's attack really tricky to deal with, so it's definitely harder than normal Data Xion.
Special Thanks to:
DazeTXO who made Sora model & voice over Data Xion mod.
Discount who help me make Sora animation compatible with Xion
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